Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Park & Politics

Last Thursday I took the afternoon off work to visit with my mom and friend and enjoy a beautiful afternoon in the City. We explored the Upper East Side, ate at a favorite Madison Avenue lunch spot and walked down the east side of Central Park. ( I admired my mulching job around 69th Street.) We eventually made our way to Fox studio to meet Glenn Beck and watch his 5pm show. I am not a true fan of Glenn Beck, but I admire his intelligence and knowledge on American politics and history. We were invited to the show because my friend is an artist and has a working/personal relationship with Glenn. We hid behind a camera to watch because we were the only people in the studio besides Glenn and the camera team. The production seemed effortless and I was amazed by the small crew it took to produce the fast paced show. Thanks to Paula for the fun afternoon. I look forward to see her upcoming art for Glenn.

My days have been quite busy lately, but I want to make sure I cover unique events. We have had visitors and my in-laws in town, all while packing up and moving to our new apartment. I will write about the new place soon! (It's so close the the Park - I love it!)

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